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Rhapsody A Managers View(2003)

Rhapsody Or To Give its Full Name,

Rhapsody = Radio Heatherwood Automatic Patients Selection Of Disc's for You.

Initially started as part of the low power A.M. service project in 1998, it's Saturday 7th June 2003, 10.30 and the kettle is boiling, biscuits on a plate and people start arriving. The years of hard work are now about to come to fruition.

The patients and staff are about to receive their own personal radio service 24hrs a day, Information, entertainment, and that personal touch that Radio Heatherwood has always provided. As representatives arrive from the Trusts that have supported the project, including our own League Of Friends, it's time to thank everyone for their support, show the latest refinements, and reflect how far we have travelled since It's conception as being ideal for us.

Everyone at our radio station has worked very hard to get to this point in our history, there is not one person who has in some way not contributed to this project, when you stand back and look at what has been involved in time, effort, and funding, the true scale of what has been achieved can be seen.

The main driving force behind this project has been the station Engineer, PJ, his has been the most intensive contribution, not only from the technical side, but from the staff training side as well, helping everyone to come to terms with the new technology involved.

So here we are, all gathered around the midday news is coming to an end, the Radio Heatherwood jingle is about to be played, a short introduction to launch the new service produced by PJ is ready, and the first song to be played. A round of applause fills the air as the opening sequence completes and Rhapsody is on it's way, Champagne is opened, toasts are made, hands shaken, congratulations all round.

As the guests filter away, it's time for us to tidy up and reflect on the days proceedings, and to look forward to feedback from patients and staff when we do our ward rounds in the coming months.

So this is it, we have launched, all the major work to get to this point is over, we can relax a bit, Hang on !! the hospital fete's in a month, we better get things started on recording the advert for Rhapsody to Play!!!!!.

David Smith Station Manager (2003)

Rhapsody The Patients Choice 2003 till 2016

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