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2016 Year Forty May

2016 Summary of Events Part 3

The months of May and June demonstrations of the internet radio service,40 years service and the official letter to leave.

Stories and snippets of information taken from the staff newsletter and from behind the scenes.

It's May 2016, the story unfolds:-

May 2016


  1. 2ndAll news lead ins, are changed.
    News lead in jingles are changed from Greg Marston to Emma Clarke as part of the new image for the radio.
  2. 3rdNew web host streamer set-up, 1 month trial weblayer.
    Another company is tried for suitability for streaming the radio signal. Weblayer not taken up.
  3. 3rdFollow up email to trust.
    Any news on meeting date?.
  4. 4thFollow up email from trust.
    “As you can imagine it is very difficult to arrange a meeting out of hours or at weekends. We are meeting next week and will come back with a programme of where we are with the Heatherwood site”.
  5. 9thFollow up email from trust.
    “I will get together with XXXX and look at diaries.Can you give me an address we can sent any relevant correspondence to other than the hospital address please”.
  6. 9thLeague of Friends Quarterly Meeting
    David informed the league he had received a phone call from XXXX stating as your lease has expired I’m assuming you are no longer on site at Heatherwood.David corrected his assumptions and is waiting on the outcome from a meeting of the trust and also a site visit to meet with XXXX to extend the lease until such time as a new facility could be made available to the radio service.
  7. XXXX informed David there were no plans in place for the lease to be extended.
  8. 9thRadio Stream demo to league.
    Peter demonstrated the new internet radio service on his mobile phone and tablet answering questions from the members.
  9. This service unlike those provided by other hospital radio’s, displays the current and recent played music on the web page as well as Twitter accounts. Two computers are delivering the service one is the Rhapsody music computer playing the 24 hour playlist and the second computer processes that music stream and sends it to our internet service provider, who then provides it across the internet for anyone who may visit the web page and press play on the player. All the work on the service is complete and is ready to launch.A copy of the ward poster was passed to members, which would be laminated and placed on the ward.
  10. No word from the trust rep at the meeting about any of the league’s assets in the re-build.
  11. 10thEmail to hospital rep to league.
    I have enclosed here some information which may assist you in your efforts to secure some satisfactory outcomes for the leagues assets.
  12. Hospital chapel,Here is a link to the web page which shows the hospital chapel
  13. League Chapel
    We need assurance from the trust the chapel will be protected.
  14. Radio Heatherwood Premises,I have enclosed here a copy of the floor layout of the current premises of the radio studio. We need assurance from the trust that the radio can continue it's current lease until new premises are made available and the down time between any move is kept to a minimum break in service. Last night we demonstrated to you the future internet radio service which could be launched within a matter of days.
  15. League of Friends, The league of friends as a charity organization has had it's membership decimated by the indecision over the future of the hospital. Before the present predicament the league had 50 volunteers who regularly carried out voluntary work at the site. We are now down to the members you see at the league meetings. All of the members are aware, we need to move with the times and accept there will be change, loss of the chapel and the radio service will be the final straw for the charity.If you need any further information we will be only too pleased help.
  16. 14thMay 2006 video posted.
    A new video is added to our you tube channel showing the history of 2006.
  18. 2006 That Was The Year That Was
  20. 30thTune in page changed to one displaying both play lists with a show n hide.
    The final page to be viewed by web surfers.
  21. ©RadioHeritage
    Show & Hide Playlist.
    Playlists are selectable to show without moving from page and also maintain the listening.

    Click to Enlarge:-
  22. ©RadioHeritage
    Show & Hide Webpage.
    The web page shows the Sunday programs with the button pressed to show.

    Click to Enlarge:-
  23. 31stUser guide updated.
    Ward user guide is updated to reflect changes in tuning in and playlist instructions.
  24. Internet Listen Ward

Key “PPL”= Phonographic performance Licence required for all music played on the airwaves internet etc.

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June 2016


  1. 2ndEmail Reply to 10th May email from hospital trust rep to the league of friends.
    I am so sorry I have not replied to your message sooner. I spoke to XXXX who is one of the people responsible for the Heatherwood site. He is a lovely chap and will do his best to ensure you can stay in your current premises until the bulldozer arrives!.
  2. 4thWeb Wi-fi & Internet videos updated.
    The Wi-fi video’s for inpatients and also those who would listen on the internet were updated. Posted on new facebook page.
  3. 5thTreasurer Replies to Email 10th May from Trust hospital Rep.
    Hopefully it will be good news for the radio, let's hope XXXX is able to achieve this for us. As it stands at the moment, the radio is now ready to go online officially, it will take about thirty days from the word go, licences PRS, PPL etc. We can't justify spending this money if our tenancy is going to end now or in the near future before the bulldozers arrive.
  4. As I understand the time frame at the moment, we could be on site until mid 2018, then dismantling of the station would take around 4 months, clear for proposed building of homes in 2019. Hopefully long before this, a site for the new radio is identified and work has been going on in tandem, so the studio is a move and service is continuous. If there is to be a break in service we need to keep it short.Once we can have a good idea of what the minimum time left on site is, we can go ahead with the internet launch, anything under 18 months might be considered to be too short to be paying for the launch.
  5. It was planned for 10th of June our 40th year, for now we are going to announce it as the new service “Coming Soon”.Once launched, it will be a very large feather in everyone's cap, a voice not only for our charity, also Frimley Health Trust, Radio Heatherwood entertaining and educating and informing for everyone.
  6. 9thNew radio image, with new jingles starts at 7am.
    The station’s promotions were aired from early this am. A move away from the male voice of Greg Marston to a female Emma Clark.
  7. 9thPPL Stream licence purchased.
    All broadcasters on the internet need a licence to play music.
  8. ©RadioHeritage
    PPL Licence
    Our ppl licence in readiness for move onto internet.

    Click to Enlarge:-
  10. 10thFacebook posts 40 not out Including info about radio stream.
    Hospital Radio Heatherwood 40 Not Out ?
  11. Today is the birthday of the launch of the regular radio service at Heatherwood Hospital which started on the 10th June 1976. The radio service owes its history to the aims of one man “Bill Berry” a local man in Ascot who worked at the hospital in the works dept. He was also involved in other charitable deeds in the Ascot area. Our radio history web site page gives the background to the launch of the hospital radio service. Radio History 40 years is a fantastic achievement for a hospital radio made possible by many different sponsors, members of the public, presenters and not forgetting the hospital staff and the league of friends. Thousands of patients have benefited from the service and we have enabled fund raising and promotion of the hospital, league of friends and provided life experiences for hundreds of volunteers. We owe our thanks to all those who have contributed in their own way.
  12. We have included here 40 pictures just some of the events faces and deeds which have shaped our history. Where Are We Today? Celebrations of our 40 years service are subdued as we await decisions. If you have been following our progress on the radio history web site, you will see for the last year we have been making preparations to provide an internet radio stream.
  13. In February this year we completed all the technical preparations including a new twitter service which keeps everyone up to date with what’s playing. this has been running and to date over 16,000 tweets have been made with interest from over 100 users. A test radio stream is also running and allowing us to deal with any problems (Not open to the public yet ). Striving towards providing an internet stream is so what ever is thrown at us with the changes destined for the hospital site, We won’t be worried about cables being cut and whole areas without service. The added dimension of internet broadcasting, family and friends will be able to make requests and dedications to patients and vice versa, the internet will allow them to be heard by them for the first time no matter where they are.
  14. Over the last four years our Wi-fi service for ward 4 has proved to us, that being able to reach patients or staff, you stand a better chance if you can be available on their smart phone, tablets and iPad's. We were hoping to launch the new internet radio service today, but circumstances beyond our control have prevented us from going live. The very future of the hospital will determine our future, as we await confirmation we will be required in our current premises until the re-build and in the new facilities.
  15. Coming Soon ? At this stage we would like to think that all the issues can be resolved and the new internet service will launch within our 40th Year. Happy Returns Radio Heatherwood 40 Today.
  16. 10thNew hosting package at £14 for three months unlimited.
    The final stream for listeners is initialized with web hosts.
  17. 13thNews service from the Radio news hub.
    A new news service from Radio News Hub offers a much better news service and goes live today. The news is 1 minutes 40 including weather and thirty second commercial.
  18. 16thSong count
    Song count yesterday 320 13 records per hr.
    The new image launched on the 9th June reduced the amount of songs which were played during an hour, this is to keep our PPL licence in the lower charges category.
  19. ©RadioHeritage
    The ppl song count shows a much lower count for the new program schedule.
    Click to Enlarge:-
  21. 22ndEmail/letter from trust is received letter dated 1st June ( never ever received by post )
    “I wrote to you on 1 June regarding the lease of premises at Heatherwood Hospital. As I have not heard from you I am just wondering if the letter was received by you. In view of this I attach a further copy.
  22. The instrument of our closure and departure
  23. As you will be aware, the Lease under which you kindly provided radio services at Heatherwood Hospital expired at the end of March of this year. Given our plans to redevelop the hospital site in order to provide modern premises for the local community, it will not be possible for the Trust to enter into a new lease arrangement with you.
  24. I am aware that you still have equipment and other items in the premises and would ask that you make arrangements to remove the items in question at a mutually agreeable time. Given the nature and amount of the equipment in situ, the Trust will allow you to continue to occupy the area in question as a Tenant at Will while such arrangements are being made. It is important for the Trust to reserve its rights, as conferred under a Tenancy at Will, to terminate your ongoing occupation at any time – and we expressly do so. Against that background, however, the Trust anticipates allowing the arrangement to continue until the end of the calendar year, should you require that length of time to take the required steps.
  25. The Trust would like to thank you for your efforts in providing radio services to the patients of the hospital over the years and with this in mind it would be useful if we could meet up to discuss this service.”
  26. Comment;- The letter never ever materialized by post!
  27. It later transpired the email giving us notice to quit, the attached letter was signed the day before the email 2nd June from trust rep to league saying we would be ok.

2016 Year Forty Diary

2016 Year Forty Story Unfolds

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2016 Year Forty Stories

2016 May - June

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