Search History Web Site:-

2001 Our First Year Web Site

Radio Heatherwood Web Presence 2001

The first web site was constructed during the early part of 2000 and was released in April 2000.

The site was hosted on freeserve at the time and the web address was with This was a free service and it didn't cost us anything to host.
This was later dropped when the web site was moved to our own paid domain hosting and we then changed to

The first site was produced using Microsoft word, but by September 2001 this was then designed using frontpage.

This new version released in September now carried some more stylish navigation and was expanding in page content.

Our Future

Under the link of our future:-

The low power AM project was still in our minds and the web site carried our thoughts. We also had decided to promote the use of computers in achieving round the clock broadcasting. A stay in hospital by the studio engineer endorsed his thoughts that a service more dedicated for patients during the daytime or night time hours was needed.

This new site has now expanded to 42 pages of information.

We saw the development of the web site as the future to promote and explain to patients and members of the public just what was involved in the hospital radio service.

Some of the words and pictures are still used today.

In the window below you can experience the web site as it was in September 2001. All the internal links will work if you click on them but the external links have mostly stopped.

PJ Davidson-Smith June 2011

Web site 2001

2001 Year Twenty Five Story Unfolds

2001 was a very busy year for the station management and as the year unfolded there was much to do and organise

For further information about this year:- Follow the links

Archive Gems

Just some extra's we found:-

Patient Feedback

A Look At Radio Heatherwood's Past:-

2001 The Story Continues!

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