The option of two studio's of broadcast standard finally came to fruition this year. The radio staff had always dreamt of having two working studio's and there had been many attempts dating back to 1983 but 1990 was the real deal and finally it happened.
In September 1989 with the grand draw over, the engineer PJ and the manager Dave Smith set about building the new studio. The work on the studio was carried out on Saturdays working from 8am until 6pm non stop from Sept until May 1990.
The actual wiring of the studio from Jan until the end was carried out by the engineer. Over 1OO metres of audio cable was used in linking studio's together and providing all the facilities.
When the engineer finally returned to doing normal programs at the end of May: He had not broadcast in twelve months.
The aim of a second studio wasn't just to provide training facilities for new recruits off air, it was also so that it could be used to produce additional material for broadcasting, It also gave us security of a studio being available for broadcasting at all times.
The initial estimate for the studio was set at £6500, by the time the building work was in progress rising costs and unforeseen problems raised the final cost to £7200.
A lot of people contributed in some way towards the provision, of this facility: all of them can be justly proud that Radio Heatherwood has two full working studios, which are the envy of many stations.
( Feb 1991 ) P. J. Engineer